

  • 10-11: 1996 is now sorted into local folders. I have begun working on 1998. I am doing the years I was going to shows (1994-Now) first and foremost because it will help with another project I am currently working on.
  • 7-9: 1995 is now sorted into local folders. I have begun working on 1996. I am doing the years I was going to shows (1994-Now) first and foremost because it will help with another project I am currently working on.
  • 5-17: Pretty much every year folder in the Full Archive has had an update of some significant over the past few months. This spring/summer I am going to finally work on sorting each year by state/city/etc. If you view 1997 you can see a demo of what that will look like once finished for each year. I also need to fix the theme for the HSF main page finally too.


  • 12-31: End of year update…pretty much every year in the Full Archive has been updated, with more updates coming in the new year. Once that is done, my next project is to sort each year by state/city. If you view 1997 you can see a demo of what that will look like once finished for each year.
  • 9-16: Flyers have been added to the 1987, 1989, 1990, 1991, 1992, 1997, 1999, 2000, and 2002 folders.
  • 8-19: Flyers have been added to the 1982, 1988, 1991, and 1993 folders.
  • 7-29: Flyers have been added to the 2012 and 2023 folders
  • 7-21: Flyers have been added to the 1992, 1993, 1999, 2005, 2007, and 2023 folders.
  • 6-17: Flyers have been added to the 1981 folder.
  • 6-12: Flyers have been added to the 1997 folder.
  • 6-9: Flyers have been added in the 1988 folder.
  • 6-8: Flyers have been added in the 1990, 1993, 2011, and ADS folders.
  • 6-7: Flyers have been added to the Full Archive for 1991, 2001, 2005, 2006, 2022, and 2023. Expect significant updates during the month of June.
  • 6-4: I tried to clean up the new theme that replaced the broken one, but WordPress is such a pain to edit these days that I am just going to leave it as is for now. WordPress used to be so simple to use! Yet another reason why updates will only be in the Full Archive now…
  • 6-2: I have also deleted our Twitter account, since posts are only viewed by a tiny group of people. It was probably a bad idea on their part to reveal that information…
  • 5-15: Since updates are only occasional these days, I have closed down our Patreon campaign.


  • 12-16: The other day I did a massive update to the Full Archive. There are over a thousand new flyers in there. This will be the last update until the spring.
  • 11-8: HSF is back online after some downtime, but the theme we had been using for a number of years is broken. I will leave it on the default theme for now until I have more time to look into the problem. The link to the Full Archive, which is what is updated these days, still works as normal.
  • 9-22: The 2022, 2001, 2006, 1993, 1997, and 2002 folders in the Full Archive have been updated. More soon.
  • 8-3: Moving forward, all updates will go through the “full archive” link to your upper right. The front page will be updated as the queue is run through. Eventually, each year will be broken down into state/city/etc., but that is a more long-term project. This will be a much easier way to do this on my end moving forward.


  • 12-10: HSF is on our annual holiday hiatus. Flyer posting will resume on Monday, January 17th.
  • 11-12: All 2001 flyers in the queue have been uploaded.
  • 11-9: All 2021 flyers are now posted. Any incoming ones can be posted in the new year. The rest of this year will be spent uploading “odds and ends” until we take our annual holiday season break.
  • 10-26: All 2011 flyers have been posted. 2021 is up next and then the rest of the year will be spent working on uploading miscellaneous stuff.
  • 8-20: Outside of a few odds and ends, all 1981 and 1991 flyers in the queue have been posted. 2001 is up next.
  • 1-25: All 2010 flyers in the queue have been uploaded. 1981 is up next.


  • 12-13: HSF is officially on winter break. New flyer posting will resume in the middle of January.
  • 7-30: Outside of a few odds and ends, all 1990 flyers have been upload. As per patron request, we will be detouring into 1991 for a bit before heading to 2000 and 2010. However, we will also be taking a week or two off so I can focus on wrapping up my summer courses.
  • 7-10: Today I finished a long term project to clean up a lot of metadata for flyers. Tags have been edited and errors removed.
  • 5-14: All 1980 flyers in the queue have been uploaded. As is tradition, we will be taking most of May off and return on June 1st with 1990, 2000, and 2010 for the rest of the year.


  • 12-14: HSF is officially on winter break. New flyer posting will resume on January 14th.
  • 11-20: All 2015 flyers in the queue have been uploaded.
  • 10-17: All 2006 flyers in the queue have been uploaded.
  • 10-10: All 2003 flyers in the queue have been uploaded.
  • 10-2: All 2005 flyers in the queue have been uploaded.
  • 9-26: All 2004 and 1993 flyers in the queue have been uploaded.
  • 6-25: Due to the generosity of a patron, we are going to be veering into 1993 for the next month or so. Enjoy!
  • 5-30: Outside of a few odds and ends, all 2009 flyers in the queue have been uploaded. We will spend the rest of the year posting some…odds and ends…plus diving into the massive advertisement and ephemera queue.
  • 4-10: Outside of a few odds and ends, all 1979 flyers in the queue have been uploaded. 2009 is up next.
  • 4-1: Outside of a few odds and ends, all 1999 flyers in the queue have been uploaded. 1979 is up next.
  • 2-25: Outside of a few odds and ends, all 1989 flyers in the queue have been uploaded. 1999 is up next.
  • 1-7: Work has begun again on HSF in the new year. Our goal this year is to upload all 1979, 1989, 1999, 2009, and 2019 flyers in the queue. We will begin with 1989.


  • 12-15: We are currently caught up on 2018 flyers. Please send in more to continue archiving the current hardcore scene.
  • 10-11: Outside of a few odds and ends, all 1998 flyers in the queue have been uploaded. 2008 is up next.
  • 9-24: Outside of a few odds and ends, all 1988 flyers in the queue have been uploaded. 1998 is up next.
  • 5-7: The combination of finals week, end of year responsibilities, and moving will slow things down here for the next week or so. Thank you for your patience.
  • 2-6: All 1978 flyers are now posted.
  • 1-28: Here is a fantastic blog post about HSF.


  • 12-23: Due to Patreon’s recent idiocy, we lost some patrons. Please consider becoming a patron of HSF. Even $1 a month is helpful.
  • 12-22: All 1997 and 2017 flyers are now in the archive. Next year our focus will be on 1978, 1988, 1998, 2008, and 2018.
  • 12-2: All 1987 flyers are now in the archive. Next up will be 2017 and then 1997 to finish up the year.
  • 10-29: We are down to 120 flyers left in the 1987 queue.
  • 7-31: All 1977 flyers have been uploaded to the archive. Up next will be 1987. There are 351 flyers in the queue, so we will be there for awhile.
  • 7-21: All “Unknown Location/Year” flyers have been uploaded to the archive. I will be taking at least the next few weeks off to work on some other projects before continuing to upload more flyers.
  • 3-15: Current project is to add all flyers that do not have a known location or year to the archive. I organize the queue by year, so it is easier for me to put these up now and hope someone can help with more information. Work on this is ongoing.
  • 3-13: Adding back the final batch of flyers sometime this week! New updates will begin again sometime in the next few weeks.


  • 12-7: As always, we will be taking most of December off while I deal with the end of my teaching semester and other obligations. Regular flyer posting will resume in the new year. Work will also continue behind the scenes on adding back flyers.


  • 5-1: We will be going on our annual spring hiatus because of the end of the semester. Regular posting will resume on May 19th.


  • 5-1:We will be having our annual spring hiatus while I focus on the end of my teaching semester and then take some time off. Normal posting will resume on May 15th.
  • 1-19: My hosting provider said they had an “emergency” that caused some downtime the past few days. Posting will return to normal in a minute.


  • 12-10: As the end of the fall semester draws near, we will take our annual holiday hiatus until the new year. We will return, hopefully, with an updated theme and some other fixes. I will continue assimilating HardcorePunkMisc into this website and improve what we do here. See you in 2013, where we will draw near our fifth (!) anniversary.
  • 10-29: Things will be slower here until the end of the year. My teaching schedule and general responsibilities on campus keep me really occupied right now. Flyers will only be posted on select days of the week until the end of 2012. In January, things should go back to normal. Thanks for your patience.
  • 6-28: As we head towards the fifth (!) anniversary of this website, I need to announce that, as of July 1st, we will be merging Hardcore Punk Misc with this website. To make a long story short, it will be a lot easier for me to maintain one solid archive. Content from there will be moved over here as the summer progresses.
  • 5-7: We will be having our annual spring hiatus while I focus on the end of my teaching semester and then take some time off. Normal posting will resume on May 21st.


  • 12-10: It is time for our annual holiday hiatus. I will be busy grading papers, exams, and dealing with other end of semester issues. Normal flyer posting will resume on January 1st. Starting submitting your 2012 flyers!
  • 9-10: We now have a tumblr blog for this website. How When Where is a tumblr for flyers that I have questions about. Normally, this will involve year, city, or questions about a band. Flyers whose issues are “solved” will get bumped to the top of the queue.
  • 4-28: Starting today, we are going to go on our annual spring vacation while I bunker down for the end of the semester. Normal flyer posting will return on Monday May 16th.
  • 4-26: I’ve been sick for the past week, so updates have been slow. We should be back to normal later today. We will take our normal “vacation” in the middle of May as well.


  • 12-14: I am in the middle of finals week right now, so I think it is time for our annual winter holiday. Normal flyer posting will return at the beginning of January.
  • 8-25: We are going to take a quick hiatus so I can prep for my new teaching semester and take some time off. We will be back right after Labor Day.
  • 7-3: Been kind of on vacation (ugh, I am NOT calling it a “staycation”) the last week or two. Flyers will return to normal today or tomorrow. Yesterday was this website’s third anniversary.
  • 4-29: Hardcore Show Flyers is going to go on hiatus for a few weeks. I am dealing with the final week of my teaching semester right now, which is keeping me pretty busy. After that, I am going to take a few weeks off to work on some other projects. We will return to regular posts on May 17th. At that time, there may be a few changes to this website as well. Stay tuned.


  • 12-6: We are going to take the rest of December off due to the end of my teaching semester. On January 1st regular posting will resume with, hopefully, a brand new design on the domain.
  • 7-13: You can now become a “fan” of this Web Site on Facebook. I will pipe content through there and also try to do some advertising for upcoming hardcore shows. This Web Site should be about modern hardcore as much as it is about old school hardcore at all times.
  • 5-17: Regular flyer updates will begin again later today. I do apologize for taking a few weeks off, but I was finishing up graduate school and things just got really hectic for a bit.


  • 11-29: As you have noticed I have been absent from this site for a little while. This is because I am finishing graduate school in a few weeks and things have gotten pretty hectic in my life. Hopefully at this time next week things will have settled down enough that I can return to normally scheduled programming. Until then, hang tight.
  • 11-5: As a spinoff to this site I have started Hardcore Punk Misc. Instead of archiving show flyers I am archiving record ads and other miscellaneous items. There hasn’t been a lot of traffic yet, but I am hoping that will change soon.
  • 10-26: We got a nice link this week on Brooklyn Vegan.
  • 5-23:There was three days earlier this week without flyers. Sorry about that! I had some issues on my end that have been resolved. In fact, this site will be undergoing a redesign over the holiday weekend. Expect a new theme, new sidebars, and a big announcement about another site I will be working on, which will be a spinoff of this one.
  • 1-1: This site has now been open for six months. I thought I would offer some statistics, a little bit of news, and a call for contributions: So far we have 377 flyers on the site. At the half year mark, we are averaging about 50 separate visits and about 163 views during those visits per day. Which means when people come to the site, they stay and click around within the hundreds of tags on the site. The two flyers a day schedule will continue in 2008. A number of people have been enthusiastically asking if they can submit older flyers. For now, I would ask that you don’t. I still have about a thousand flyers to go through. I have enough older flyers to fill the site on our regular schedule for at least the next few years. More practically, I just don’t want to have to deal with sorting doubles and triples of flyers I already have…which is something I am already dealing with. I do, however, call for people to submit flyers for shows in 2008. I will be happy to add them almost immediately after I receive them. This will serve two purposes: the creation of an archive documenting the current hardcore scene and some further promotion for the show. So please send in new flyers! At one point or another in the future I may also start a podcast for the site. This is an idea still very much in its infancy. I think I might hold off until the summer when I will have a little more time to work on this. I will have an announcement about another unrelated podcasting project very soon.


  • 8-1: I am going to take this week off from posting flyers.  I am swamped right now with graduate school work and thesis research.  I will return on Monday.

4 responses to “About”

  1. The November 16 R.E.M. show listed in Lawrence, KS at the Lawrence Opera House was in 1982. You needed the year on that one. I’ve been posting hundreds of flyers and other ephemera on our Facebook page, most from 1978–1982. Would you like to add more to this archive?

  2. This is an amazing site. Spent a good half of yesterday going through the late 90’s flyers.
    Is there an email address where I can send flyers that aren’t in the archive?

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