Poison The Well-Brother’s Keeper-Santa Sangre-Destro-Dark Tie @ Brick NJ 5-13-01
Stop & Think Summer 2001
Where Fear & Weapons Meet-Worthless-Tear It Up-Anything Goes-Nothing Lasts Forever @ Brick NJ 1-30-01
Stop & Think Summer 2001
Right Brigade-Last In Line-To Each His Own-A Thin Line Fading-Down In Flames @ Brick NJ 4-30-00
Mental-Get Real-Tarpit-Mind Eraser-Guns Up-Little Rascals-Not So Fast @ Brick NJ 5-6-05
Shark Attack-Fast Times-Tear It Up-Down In Flames-Holding On-Plan Of Action @ Brick NJ 3-30-01
Kill Your Idols-The Movie Life-To Each His Own-From The Black-Down In Flames @ Brick NJ 9-1-99