Avo-Eye Gouge-Rukus @ Newtown Australia11-28-09
Arms Reach-Found My Direction-XClaim!-Frontside-Zero Tolerance-The Pact @ Newtown PCYC Newtown Australia 4-11-97
Toe to Toe-Zero Tolerance-Bleeding Face-Urban Mayhem-XClaim!-Access Step Correct @ PCYC Newtown Australia 2-21-98
Playground of Hate-Pitbull Attack-Frontside-XClaim!-The Pact @ Newtown PCYC Newtown Australia 8-22-98
Urban Mayhem-XClaim!-Access Step Correct-Toe To Toe-Zero Tolerance-Bleeding Face @ Newtown PWYC Newtown Australia 2-21-98
Tank O Piss-AVO-XClaim!-Ass Wipe @ Newtown PWYC Newtown Australia 10-3-97